


那麼上禮拜有必要不回我簡訊嗎? 幼稚


When I saw you, it was Pink telling me you were at the back of me. 

I didin't want to meet you in that occasions. I tried to hide myself but it was too late as you already saw me.

you said hi, but I didn't know how to react. maybe I care you too much and too excited to see you.

but we still didn't talk, unfortunely.

I know the fact was you didn't expect to see me there and you were there because you were looking for new girl or just relax.

anyway, i know that it's impossible for you being there because of desring to meet me.

you didn't stay too long. I was thinking to buy you a good bye drinks and then deleted all the msg and your num. 

I tried to look for you but failed. it's weird that you just came for a while then left.

I guessed you went luxe.

I was right.

I tried to call you three times but you didn't pick the phone up. I texted you but you didn't reply. 

Two things can be explained. one is you were enjoying girl and music another one just you chosed to ignore me.



I was upset. keep drinking shots by shots... I started to feel tipssy and then got drunk. I knew I was drunk.

When Eric texted me, I found out it's time for me to leave.

you don't wanna cherish me but eric is always there to keep me accompany and keep me safe.


Pink and Rei holded me to walk to the exit.

At that moment, I saw you. you were standing at the wall by yourself.

Pink drew me to talk to you.

you ask me how come I drank that much. 

I heard Pink ask you to take care of me. you say yes.

but I kept telling Pink I don't wanna stay I just want to leave. 

you pulled my hand. ask me to stay and promise pink you would look after me.

the secrurity was there watching me and thinking to kick me out. 

you told to the secrurity saying that you would look after me again. I was happy when you said that.

although I was drunk, I still can remeber the moment.

you holding my hand bringing me to smoking area...

lighting up a smoke.... I didn't know you smoke... 

and then you asking me how come I drank that much. i said: because of you.

because of you treating me like shit.

before that you were trying to tell me you were not intend to ignore my phone. your phone ws out of battery.

and you said you went to bamboo because of you saw my msg.

you asked me if you could stay my place for one night because you couldn't find tony.

but eric was waiting outside for me. I couldn't let him stay that long for nothing.


i said no. then i left.

you didn't chase me up to check whether I were safe or not.


i pissed eric off. i felt sorry to him. he is the only one cares abt me.

although I know you called me at 5 pm, you probably wanna check if I was safe home or not. 



I got your call at 1pm again. we talked one and half hours.

how come we still can talk that long? I was happy when talking to you. 




at 11pm you made another call to me again.... before you hanging up the phone, you asked me be a good girl.

I didn't know how come you said tht to me again. you didn't say that to me since we broke up.

I asked you how come on the april fool's day you were so mean to me.

you asked me to forget you but you called me after two weeks.

I felt so confused.


you said you do that because you think we won't have futures. cos I don't even know I would stay in Sydney or not.

that is true... but I am not sure that you were telling the truth thoughts or not.












又會突然纏綿悱惻,又突然來了聽電話,說幾句 讓人臉紅心跳的話


















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