On June 1, 1926, Norma Jeane Mortensen was born in Los Angeles
to a single mother, Gladys Baker. She was later to become "Marilyn Monroe"--
a gifted actress, and one of the most alluring sex symbols in Hollywood
history. Throughout her life, Monroe married three times, had love affairs
with famous people, and acted in 30 films. Since her early death in 1962,
her story has become a Hollywood legend--the story of a beautiful and
talented woman who came to a tragic end.

1926 年 6 月 1 日,諾瑪珍蒙特森出生於洛杉機,
也是好萊塢史上最誘人的性感象徵之一。夢露一生結過 3 次婚、和名人有過情史,
並且拍過 30 部電影。1962 年英年早逝之後,她的故事已經成為好萊塢傳奇──

Norma Jeane had a difficult, unstable childhood.
She spent the first seven years of her life in a foster home,
after which she lived briefly with her mother. Because her mother
suffered from mental problems and couldn't care for her daughter for long,
Norma Jeane ended up living in other foster homes and an orphanage.
At the young age of 16, she married a soldier to free herself from the orphanage.
諾瑪珍的童年困頓不安。一直到 7 歲她都住在寄養家庭,之後和母親住過一陣子。
年僅 16 她便與阿兵哥結婚,好從孤兒院脫身。

While her husband was in World War II, the young Norma Jeane worked in a factory.
There she was spotted by a photographer. She was extremely photogenic and
images of her drew the attention of a Hollywood talent scout.
She clearly had star 14)appeal and was offered a contract at 20th Century Fox.
It was then that she became "Marilyn Monroe." She was only 20 years old.
從此她便成為「瑪麗蓮夢露」。當時她才 20 歲。

Monroe's marriages and affairs didn't help draw attention to her talents.
She divorced her first husband early on, and her next one was baseball
legend Joe DiMaggio. This marriage only lasted nine months. Her third husband
was playwright Arthur Miller. This one lasted four years, but it was not
harmonious. After divorcing Miller, she was rumored to have had affairs
with President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert.

第二任是棒球傳奇人物喬迪馬喬。這段婚姻只維持了 9 個月。她的第三任丈夫是劇作家亞瑟米勒。
這段婚姻維持了 4 年,但是並不和諧。與米勒離婚後,

Marilyn Monroe's personal life was chaotic,
and it often affected her career. The public loved her,
but film studios didn't: she would arrive late, forget lines,
or have breakdowns, and sometimes she wouldn't show up at all.
In her thirties, she was constantly on medication for depression.
In August 1962, she was found dead in her home. Most believe that
she had killed herself, but others speculate that she was murdered.
The true reasons behind her death have never been discovered.

她經常遲到、忘台詞,或者精神崩潰,有時候根本就缺席。30 幾歲時她持續服用藥物治療憂鬱症。
1962 年 8 月她被發現死於家中。大多數人相信她是自殺,但也有人推測她遭到謀殺。
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